Spencer MacDonald (he/him) is a filmmaker born in NYC, raised in San Francisco, and currently based in Berlin. His work resides at the intersection of documentary and fiction, exploring the space where humanity meets environmental mysteries. His debut short film, Scarlet Medusa, follows an aging Japanese scientist’s quest to unlock a tiny jellyfish’s secret to immortality. After premiering online through Nowness, the film went on to screen at numerous international festivals, including Palm Springs International ShortFest and the Atlanta Film Festival, where it received an honorable mention in the documentary shorts competition. His second short film, A Body Called Life, remains active on the festival circuit, having screened at over thirty festivals and picking up fourteen awards, including ‘Best Documentary Short’ at Raindance Film Festival and qualifying for the 2025 Academy Awards. Other works of his have been featured by publications including The Atlantic, National Geographic, and Vimeo's "Best of the Year." For commercial work, his clients have included Airbnb, Lyft, VW, Rapha, Canon, LACMA, Allbirds, Switzerland Tourism, and many NGOs. He is currently developing his first feature, a fiction titled Passengers (fund him).